There is no set IPPW template for presentations. Feel free to use the template from your own organization or group. The presentations will be shown on projectors that are set for the traditional 4:3 aspect ratio.
Poster presenters are asked to put their poster number on the posters. This is the location where your poster will be. For example, if you have the order “A18”, then that is your poster number. Poster presentation locations are on the website.
Posters by student presenters should have the words “student poster” marked on the poster so that it can be visible to reviewers
ORAL presenters
- Presentations are limited to 10 minutes with 2 additional minutes for presenter introduction and questions. Session conveners will be strictly enforcing the 10 min time to keep the program running smoothly.The time remaining for the speakers will be displayed on a timer and there will be a buzzer which will ring signifying the end of the allotted speaking time.
- Presentations and accompanying material (e.g. videos) must be uploaded to the submission website no later than Sunday, July 7th (hard deadline).
- Go to https://ippw.jpl.nasa.gov/ and sign in with your personal user credentials (same as used for abstract submission).
- Upload your presentation material into the same “presentation folder” as your abstract. From the drop-down box, select what type of document you are uploading (oral presentation / poster / abstract / 1-slide / other for media files). Note that you may upload multiple files into your presentation folder.
- Please make certain to delete any obsolete file versions.
- Note that the system will automatically rename your files with consistent naming and assign them to the relevant session.
- If you submit a paper, a preliminary version shall also be uploaded by July 7th in the same manner as described above. A paper template is available at: https://ippw2019.uk
- One PC laptop, a projector, and a remote pointer will be available during the workshop sessions for oral talk presentations.
- Ensure that your presentation displays all media files and graphics on a standard Windows laptop equipped with Microsoft Office and PDF reader.
- You may include additional “backup” slides to briefly address anticipated questions and for archiving purposes. All presentations, with “backup” slides (if submitted), will be archived.
- In order to facilitate a smooth transition between speakers, we will pre-load all files on the presentation computer. Your contact point for questions will be your session convener. Please review and verify the proper functioning of your files, at the following times on the day of your presentation:
- AM Presentations: 8:00 AM
- PM Presentations: 1:30 PM (Except on Monday when it is 2:30 PM)
- During breaks the days before your presentation
POSTER presenters
- Posters can be in portrait or landscape orientation, with maximum dimensions of size A0 (841 x 1189 mm). Poster boards will be provided. Pins will be provided to allow you to affix your poster to the board.
- Poster Setup & Breakdown Times:
- Tuesday Evening Presenters
- Setup: Monday, July 8, starting at 8:00 am
- Breakdown: Tuesday, July 9, after the Tuesday Poster Session
- Thursday Evening Presenters
- Setup: Wednesday, July 10, starting at 8:00 am
- Breakdown: Friday, July 12, by 2:00 pm
- Poster authors will be provided assigned locations for their posters. These instructions will be sent prior to the workshop.
- Your poster file (as a PDF) and a one-slide introduction presentation must be uploaded to the submission website no later than July 7th (hard deadline).
- Go to https://ippw.jpl.nasa.gov/ and sign in with your personal user credentials (same as used for abstract submission).
- Upload your poster and your one-slide introduction presentation into the same “presentation folder” as your abstract. From the drop-down box, select what type of document you are uploading (oral presentation / poster / abstract / 1-slide / other for media files). Note that you may upload multiple files into your presentation folder.
- Please make certain to delete any obsolete file versions.
- Note that the system will automatically rename your files with consistent naming and assign them to the relevant session.
- 1-slide introduction during the 1-min speech
- Each poster presenter will be allocated 1 minute to provide a very brief overview of their poster. Presenters may use no more than a single slide to provide an explanatory brief narrative on the poster itself or to “advertise” their poster during their 1-minute presentation.
- In lieu of a 1-min introduction speech with your 1-slide presentation, you can upload a 1-min long video that will be shown instead of your 1-min speech.
- 1-min speech times will be strictly enforced due to the large number of poster introductions. In order to adhere to the allocated time, we will pre-load the 1-slide poster presentations to the workshop computer. Note, that due to the large number of posters, no last-minute updates to the poster presentations can be accommodated.
- Presenters are strongly urged to actually produce a 1-min presentation or video. Posters will not be displayed on the screen during the 1-min speech time
- All posters should include: Poster title, Author name(s), Author institution(s), Institutional logo(s), and the abstract number near the top of your poster
- Local printing instructions: Posters can be printed locally at the Oxford Print Centre oxford-print-centre.co.uk. Mention IPPW-2019 when you order.